Paidar chairs for sale
Two Paidar chairs for sale. One from 1906 for $3000 and one from 1930s for $500. Willing to take reasonable offers. Call Ken at 651-410-8485
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Koken Chairs
Two Koken Chairs from the 1930s. One adult and one child. $2,500 each or best offer. Call Ken at 651-410-8485 if interested.
1716 total views, 0 today
I have four fully restored Theo A. Koch chairs! These chairs are absolutely gorgeous. I am hosting a huge liquidation sale in Minneapolis and these […]
1982 total views, 0 today
Koken Chicago Illinos
This barber chair has a manicure bowl in chrome This barber chair is in Brockville Ontario as they do not have any Canadian province for […]
1810 total views, 0 today
Theo A Kochs
This barber chair is for sale for $1000 Working condition This Chair is in Brockville Ontario
2128 total views, 0 today
Antique Wood Barber Chair from Italy
This is an authentic antique wood barber chair that we personally brought in USA from Tuscany, Italy. We have used it for our photo studio. […]
1666 total views, 0 today
Koken “Antique” 1932′. A MUST SEE! Recently retired stylist selling “cherry condition” barber chair – housed at upscale, privately owned shop. Fun, interesting show piece […]
3063 total views, 0 today
1960 Emil J Paidar Barber Chair
1960 Emil J Paidar Barber Chair in Good working condition. Perfect addition to a vintage barber shop or personal collection! Chairs still swivel and recline […]
6289 total views, 1 today
Emil J. Paidar
These classic 1930 vintage barber shop chairs have been reupholstered. Pictures upon request. Weighs around 400 lbs. Pick up is required. Contact Susan at the […]
1914 total views, 1 today
Theo and Koch’s antique barber chair
Theo and Koch’s genuine sheep’s wool covered chair, original , excellent condition
1701 total views, 0 today